Metering, Integration, Analytics
Metering, Integration, Analytics
Energy & Water Metering Products
Sierra BoilerTrak 620S Natural Gas Meter
Sierra BoilerTrak 620S Natural Gas Meter
Sierra BoilerTrak 620S Natural Gas Meter

Sage Metering Model 51 Natural Gas Meter

Thermal Mass Flow Meter

Revolutionize Your Natural Gas Monitoring

Introducing the Emergent Metering Natural Gas Series Meter– the ultimate flow meter for precise natural gas and air flow measurement in commercial and institutional buildings. Whether you’re managing a sprawling university campus, a busy hospital, or a complex office building, our thermal mass flow meter delivers unparalleled accuracy and efficiency.

Flow Meter Key Features:

Direct Mass Flow Measurement: No additional temperature or pressure transmitters required
High Accuracy: Within 1% of actual value, NIST calibrated with natural gas or air
Impressive Turndown: 100:1 ratio with resolution up to 1000:1
Low-End Sensitivity: Measures as low as 5 SFPM
Negligible Pressure Drop: Maintains energy efficiency
No Moving Parts: Ensures long-term reliability and accuracy

Perfect for HVAC Applications:
Inline or insertion-style options
Available with flow conditioner (minimizes pipe run requirements)
Easy installation and maintenance
High rangeability for both low- and high-flow scenarios
Facilitates LEED credits
Compact design (4-1/8″ dia. x 4-1/4″ deep)
CI D2 hazardous location rating
Advanced Communication:
BACnet communication standard (Modbus RTU optional)
Isolated 4-20 mA output for flow rate
Pulsed output for totalized flow
Optional dry contact relay module

Ideal for:
Mechanical contractors
Performance contractors
Campuses and universities
Energy service companies (ESCOs)
With the Emergent Metering natural gas meter, you can maximize your boiler system’s efficiency and reduce energy consumption. Experience the power of precise natural gas monitoring today!

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Product Details
Sage Model 51 HVAC Series of Thermal Mass Flow Meters measures Natural Gas flow rate and consumption in commercial and municipal buildings, as well as college and university campuses, government facilities, hospitals, shopping centers and office buildings and complexes.

The HVAC Industry (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) provides processes, products, systems, and services that are aimed at heating, ventilating, and air conditioning buildings and facilities while maintaining thermal comfort, acceptable indoor air quality, and reasonable installation, operation, maintenance, and energy. Thus the need for accurate natural gas monitoring is critical, and the cost-effective Model 51 Thermal Mass

Flow Meter is the ideal measurement solution. The HVAC Series is available as an In-Line or Insertion style meter and provides a 4-20 mA analog output proportional to the NG flow rate, as well as pulsed outputs of totalized flow, and includes an easy to read display of flow rate, total, and temperature. In addition, BACnet communication is provided (or optional Modbus RTU) for communicating with energy dash-boards or other software Masters.

 All Model 51 HVAC Thermal Mass Flow Meters are temperature-compensated and pressure insensitive, and are configured to provide a 100 to 1 turndown of natural gas with a Full Scale flow rate based on the pipe size specified. Over 165 samples are taken in the Sage NIST calibration facility to guarantee 1% of reading accuracy
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