Metering, Integration, Analytics
Metering, Integration, Analytics
Energy & Water Metering Products
Leviton 71D12 S7100 BCM 12 Inputs With Display
Leviton 71D12 S7100 BCM 12 Inputs With Display
Leviton 71D12 S7100 BCM 12 Inputs With Display

Leviton 71D12 S7100 BCM 12 Inputs With Display


Leviton® VerifEye™ 71D12 7100 Embedded Electric Submeter Branch Circuit Monitor, 90 to 600 VAC, 5 to 4000 A, 50/60 Hz


The VerifEye™ Series 7000 and 7100 12 circuit advanced branch circuit monitor is an ideal fit for submetering application requiring more than a single, three phase meter, but less than the full capacity of the 48 circuit model of the series 7000 and 7100 family.
Leviton® VerifEye™ Branch Circuit Monitor, Embedded Electric Submeter, Series: 7100, 90 to 600 VAC, 5 to 4000 A, 50/60 Hz Frequency, 0.2 % Accuracy, LCD Display, 3 ph, NEMA 1/IP30 Enclosure, 9.87 in W x 3.14 in D x 9.75 in H Dimensions


 Amperage Rating 5 to 4000 A
 Application Commercial, Industrial, Retail, Higher Education/Campuses, REIT Management, Data Center, Tenant Submetering and Indoor Applications
 Dimensions 9.87 in W x 3.14 in D x 9.75 in H
 Enclosure NEMA 1/IP30
 Frequency Rating 50/60 Hz
 Manufacturer Part Number 71D12
 Phase 3 ph
 Series 7100
 Standards/Approvals ANSI C12.20 Class 0.2|CE EN 61000-6-4 Class A|IEC Standard|NIST Traceable Calibration|RoHS Compliant|UL Listed|UL Recognized
 Type Embedded Electric Submeter
 Voltage Rating 90 to 600 VAC
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▪ Easily route cable and view LEDs from any angle
▪ Reports volt, amp, power, demand and energy for each circuit
▪ Configurable for four individual load, which can be a combination of single-phase, two-phase or three-phase circuit
▪ Please consult factory for capacity limitation for any other configuration
▪ User configurable alarm threshold register for improved load management
▪ Selectable phase orientation and number of circuit
▪ 12 independent, user defined input
▪ 12 individual panel circuit
▪ Four three-phase load
▪ 200 to 400A CTs
▪ User configured combination
▪ Line powered from 90 to 600 V, phase to phase
▪ ANSI and IEC metering system accuracy including branch CTs
▪ Supports split core and rogowski coil CTs
▪ Meter board feature - easy access terminal for CT wiring, removable connector

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